Top Chef Wiki

Episode 9: Feeding Fallon[]


Premiere: February 9, 2011
The chefs appear on 'Late Night with Jimmy Fallon' and cater the host's birthday party.

  • Quickfire Challenge: The eight remaining chefs have to create a fondue dish and are judged by their fellow chefs. Chefs rate their top three and bottom three opponents and cannot vote for themselves.
    • Top: Carla, Casey, Dale L.
    • Bottom: Tiffani, Angelo, Tiffany
      • WINNER: Carla. (Pho with Beef, Bread, Charred Ginger, Lime, Sriracha, and Broth). He wins a trip to Napa Valley.
      • Elimination Challenge: The chefs go to NBC Studios at Rockefeller Center where they participate in the Cell Phone Shootout on an episode of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. In the Shootout, they select the dishes they have to prepare for the challenge and then cook one of Jimmy Fallon's favorite dishes for his birthday lunch at Tom Colicchio's restaurant, Colicchio and Sons.
  • WINNER: Carla (Chicken Pot Pie with Carrots, Celery, Pea Salt, and Herbs). She wins a cooking segment on an episode of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and a trip to Tokyo.
  • ELIMINATED: Fabio (Hamburger, Melted Cheddar Cheese Sauce, and Fries)
    • Guest Judge: Jimmy Fallon (Elimination Challenge)